Mark your Calendar

The date is Oct 5th

That is the date I will go to a barber shop and go under the straight razor. I’m going to a local barber that still uses a straight razor and he will do it the old-fashioned way. I’ve got a couple of friends who are coming with me to video tape the whole process. I plan on putting together a story video with the footage at a later time.


I am having a “coming clean (shaven)” reveal party that night. If you need details, e-mail me and I’ll send you an e-vite with directions. It looks like it is going to be a fun party with food and games.

What will I look like?

I don’t know. It has been since April 12, 1972 that I’ve been completely with no facial hair. That’s 36 years. Hopefully, I’ll look better. If I don’t like it I can always grow it back but it will be a while before I decide that.

Beardectomy – Mustache Too?

How Far Do I Go?

I’ve decided to shave my beard. I’ve located a barber shop that still does straight-razor shaves. I’ve got a couple of friends lined up and they are going to video tape the operation. But I haven’t decided how far I will go.

Should I leave the mustache or shave it all?

Leave me comments as to your opinion and why I should or should not shave the mustache too.

Weekend Fun

Downstairs Bathroom

I’ve had a bit of a mold problem in the downstairs bathroom. I had a mold inspector come out and said that it was just a little bit of mold and was under the limit for a full mold remediation project. He said that this was a home owner project. So I asked brother-in-law Drew to help and he and Millie came down last week. I took a day of “vacation” and he, John, and I attacked it. Mainly it was Drew and John. It was even less of an issue than what it appeared to be. We replaced less than two square feet of sheet rock. We had some awesome games of dominoes too.

Bosnia Video

I have digitized all of the video (3.25 hours) I took in Bosnia. I also made shot lists of all the different shots. Now, I need to make time to edit it to something worth watching. I’m struggling as to how to tell the story. But I guess that’s why I’m taking the three-day workshop next month in digital storytelling.


Back from Bosnia

We got back from Bosnia a little over a week ago. We flew in on Tuesday (8/5) just in time to greet evening rush-hour traffic. The next morning I was at work. There has been much going on at work in my absence and now that I’m back I have much to do.

Trip Results

We had an awesome time there. We saw many sights and learned a lot of Bosnia history. The Childrens’ Festival was a huge success. The kids had a great time and the Novi Most center had a great response. The kids had never seen such toys, games, and the bounce house. I’m sure it’s being talked about for weeks.

Video Man

I took my video camera and got some good shots. I’m trying to sift through over three hours of video now to show how to make it interesting.

The Spiritual Journey

This was an amazing spiritual trip for me. I’m calling this year my “boot camp” year because it has been such an intense spiritual walk. Well, this trip was the 20-mile hike with full pack! It was very tough – and I’m so glad I did it.

Thank you so much to all of you who supported me on this trip. I had a lot of financial support but, more importantly, I had a lot of prayer support. I needed the prayers and they were felt.

Thank you!

We’re Leaving on a Jet Plane

Off to Bosnia

Tomorrow we head off to Bosnia. You can follow our adventures on the trip blog site.

Prayer Helps

I’ve sent a couple of e-mails asking people to pray for me and for our trip. I believe it working. This week I’ve felt much more serene than I have been before. Thank you all who are praying. I REALLY appreciate it.

Gracie Cuteness

This photo was sent by Avery of Gracie. A grandPOP can’t help himself…

With a Little Help from my Friends

Barron – my friend
Barron has been around all through the illness and my journey since. He is an agent for artists so we talk much about music now and of music of the “golden era” ’68 – ’75. I go watch his band play at a bar-b-que and jive to the blues. Barron is one of the friends who have been a great support for me this year.

It’s starting – the anniversaries. This week marks the first anniversary of Trudie’s first doctor appointment. The blood tests came back and the doctor said “there’s something wrong with these numbers.” – no kidding.

Good Grief
One of the things that was suggested to me when I first started this grief journey was to go to the Grief Share web site. I did and signed up for their e-mails. They send out a daily e-mail of encouragement to us going through this process.

Yesterday’s message said in part:

Good grief is accepting the fact that your loved one has died, accepting the sorrow and pain, and knowing there is more to come. Good grief is getting through the days, the months, and, eventually, through the years.

Your life will never be the same again, but you will get through the grief. The grieving process is a transition into your new life.

“He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age” (Ruth 4:15).

This really resonated with me. I’m still in the middle of the grieving process. It’s not easy. But, I will survive and eventually move on.

Avery Visit

Avery Visit

Avery visited last week for a few days. But what she got done was so helpful. She went through the studio and got a lot of the cloth-for-the-millennium out of there. She also found her old baby book which we feared was lost.

Avery also showed me her phone which a treasure trove of Gracie photos. I got her to send me the one to the left. She is so cute!

Avery posts the latest Gracie story on her blog at The Blig on Live Journal.

Grave Marker

I had finally ordered Trudie’s grave marker last month and they sent me notification that they had delivered it.

I went by on Saturday to see it. It’s the first time I had been able to get up the gumption to go there. I couldn’t find it at first so I had to ask at the office but the nice man led me right to it.

It’s been a sad time for me. I’m leaning hard on Jesus the last couple of weeks. I know this is part of the normal grieving process and I’m glad I’m going THROUGH it and not around it. But it is not easy. “This too shall pass.”


Most of you know that on July 26th our team leaves for Bosnia. We will be updating the Bosnia Youth Festival ’08 blog to let you know how we are doing. Put your e-mail address in the side-box and you’ll get updates to your e-mail.

What’s been going on…

Yea, yea, yea…

I know. I haven’t posted anything in a L*O*N*G time. Like everyone else “… I’ve been busy …”

And it continues…

This weekend I’m doing 24 (See NPCC Production).
[Update: The videos are HERE [[Double Update: they seem to have removed the videos]]. We did the one “Space Colony M301″ (Gladiator as Sci-Fi). [[Somebody uploaded our video here.]
Next weekend I’m shooting video of a good friend son’s wedding.
The weekend after that I’m going to Pittsburg, PA with friends for a convention.

Then I have a weekend with nothing planned [how did that happen? Let’s see how I can fix it :-}].

Then I have a local gathering of friends.
And then the weekend after that we take off for Bosnia.
The weekend after that we come back from Bosnia.
The weekend after that I have another gathering of friends in Macon.

Did I say I was busy???


In May, a very good friend Tim and I went to Charleston, SC. We did the guy-thing and went the Patriot’s Point where they have the Navy ships. Tim and I climbed all over the aircraft carrier and the WWII destroyer.

We had a great time together.

I gotta run I got to be in Buckhead in about an hour…