This is unbelievable. Watch the video:
Author Archives: PatrckB
Meet Logan, The Sky Angel Cowboy
This is an amazing story. It touched my heart and will touch anyone’s who is dealing with a loss.
Decorating for Christmas
Today I took time to break out the Christmas decorations. I knew it would be tough work so I got Uncle Bob to come over and help. He helped me setup the tree and to hang all my outdoor lights. He was a great encouragement and a big help.
Grief is hard work
Then I got down to the work of going through all the ornaments. It was tough. Trudie was an “ornament person.” By that I mean that every trip we took, she bought one or multiple tree ornaments to remember the trip by. So I was sad going through the boxes of ornaments. I have my favorites but a lot of them are B.M.T (Before My Time). There were some very special ones that were hard to bring out and remember the times they represented. It was tough work but it is the right “work” for me to be doing this year.
It’s been a sad day for me but then this is what I need to be doing right now; I need to feel my sadness and walk through my grief to get past it. I know that “this too shall pass.”
Gracie Shares
Don’t give up on giving
Give even when things are tight
Here’s a great blog article by Tim Sanders about keeping on giving even when things are tight. I like the quote:
When you give, especially during tough times, you teach yourself that there is enough to go around.
Thanksgiving 2008
A Good Time Was Had By All
From 2008 Thanksgiving |
My sister, Millie, and her husband, Drew, had us all to their house in Charlotte, NC.
My brother John and I drove up from Atlanta on Wednesday afternoon. So did half of Atlanta try to leave at the same time. A normal three hour drive became a five and a half hour drive. Lewis, Avery and Gracie drove over from Durham on Thursday.
Millie, Drew, and John worked all day Thursday cooking. The turkey went in the oven about 11 AM. The “cooked-to-death” green beans started about the same time. There was potato salad, dressing, sweet potato cassarole, cranberry relish, rolls and an apple pie to end off with.
I had a good time with Gracie. She is still in her terrible-twos stage but was pretty well behaved for the weekend.
We finished off the day with a rousing game of “Mexican Train” dominoes. I lost badly.
On Friday, Lewis, Avery, and Gracie drove back to their house. Andy and John did a minor house repair. Millie and I worked on her computers. She had a program on her laptop that would peg her CPU utilization at 100%. I found the offending process and looked it up on Google. Changing the service to start Manual instead of Auto fixed that. Avery was very grateful.
John and I drove back today.
E-mail error ends up on road sign
From the “I hate when that happens” department
The English is clear enough to lorry drivers – but the Welsh reads “I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated.”
Be careful of the e-mail responses you get from your translation department. Make sure they are translating what you want properly.
Read the story at BBC.
Technology is great – when it works.
Anniversary Comes – Anniversary Goes
At the Grave Side
Here are the pictures of the grave.
The grass right on her grave is having a problem. The replacement sod is not doing well.
I think it is because, while Trudie was an avid gardener, a South Carolina and then Georgia Master Gardener, and she loved most all growing things, she greatly preferred flowers. In fact, she on more than one occasion stated that “She HATED grass.” She thought grass was just boring.
So I think it more than poetic that the grass on her “final resting place” is not doing so well.
Of course, Trudie is not there and where she is I believe she has made her peace with all of God’s creation, including grass.
How am I doing?
I’m doing well. I’m grieving and know that “this too shall pass.”
Thank you so much to everyone who have been praying! I have needed and have felt your prayers. I’m at peace about where I’m at today and I’m looking forward to what God has in store for me in the future.
I’m spending the holidays with my family. We will be all together and that will be a good time. I’m looking forward to having quality time with Gracie!
Single Guys Exhortation (to say the least)
Perry Noble – New Spring Church
This “aside” was made by a megachurch pastor in Anderson, SC.
Watch and see what you think.
Beautiful_02- Single Guys Outtake from NewSpring Media on Vimeo.
Where I agree
Us single guys need to be the initiators. We need to be the ones doing the asking out. We need to hold the door open for our dates. We need to be the ones purposely searching for a woman of noble character.
Where I disagree
I don’t think you can just tell a guy “grow a pair!” John Eldredge states, “Remember—masculinity is bestowed by masculinity.” We need a father-figure to help us in growing a pair. We just can’t grow them on our own.
This is an outtake from a series he did for women titled “Beautiful!” For the rest of this message visit
First Major Anniversary
Our Wedding Anniversary
Yesterday (11/2) was our wedding anniversary. We would have been married 18 years. This is the first of the major anniversaries that I will get to grieve through this season.
I didn’t grieve much yesterday. I was not feeling any emotions because I was sick. It’s interesting how feeling physically badly will trump feeling emotionally badly.
Today, I wasn’t feeling much better but I went into work anyway. I worked most of the day and my boss let me come home a couple of hours early. I’m glad because I will get to get to bed at a decent time tonight. I hope I’m on the mend from my cold. It’s been hard the last few days.
Election Tomorrow
I asked to be able to telecommute tomorrow. My boss also approved that and I will be able to go to the polls and vote some time during the day. Tomorrow will be a very interesting day indeed.