Stella my friend

I’ve got a friend named “Stella”

She’s my GPS and I’ve named her Stella because she tells me where to go. I don’t know how I got around with out my GPS. It is such remarkable technology. Stella and I get along fine.
Do you own a GPS? Do you always follow where it says to go?

3 thoughts on “Stella my friend

  1. Anonymous

    I like a friend who knows what I mean and is up-to-date. For example, our "friend" took us a few blocks from the desired hotel, over railroad tracks and to an industrial area. The hotel wasn't new and didn't move, so I don't know why the directions were so wrong. When looking for a grocery store nearby, all it could find was a grocery distribution warehouse,not a real store. So we don't get along real well.

  2. patrckb

    I love it when technology works. 🙂 I hate it when it lets me down. 🙁 I've heard of similar stories so I only trust Stella so far…

  3. Anonymous

    Been following your blog…
    I named my GPS- Gabrielle Priscilla Speaks- Gabby for short.
    I usually follow her, a few times ended up lost
    Traveling is one of my passions so I never leave far from home without her
    Wish the other parts of Following Jesus were sometimes as obvious!


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